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Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA)

Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA)

MIDA is the first point of contact for investors who intend to set up projects in the manufacturing and services sectors in Malaysia.

With its headquarters in Malaysia's capital city of Kuala Lumpur, MIDA has established a global network of 24 overseas offices covering Asia, Africa, Europe, US, and Australia to assist investors interested in establishing manufacturing projects and services.

Functions of MIDA

  • Direct consultation and co-operation with relevant agencies at both the Federal and State levels in matters such as:
    • Securing infrastructural facilities, including land, factory sites, electricity and water supplies, telecommunication and others,
    • Expediting approvals relating to Building Plans, Certificate of Fitness and Business Licenses
  • To handhold and assist investors in obtaining all necessary approvals for projects until they are operational
  • To extend support to existing companies in planning expansion, diversification and other reinvestment of their projects
  • To facilitate visits and site investigations and supply chain infrastructures
  • To help investors source for a joint venture partner through Enterprise Connect
  • To evaluate the following applications:
    • Manufacturing License under the Industrial Coordination Act, 1975
    • Incentives
    • Exemption from Custom Duties
    • Expatriate posts
    • Status for regional establishments
    • Status for R&D company