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Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council (MHTC)

Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council (MHTC)

The Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council or better known as MHTC was established under the Ministry of Health Malaysia to bring together the nation's dual heritage of hospitality and medical innovation. Its ultimate purpose is to promote and position Malaysia as the preferred destination for world-class healthcare services.

While the healthcare travel industry is private sector-driven, the Government assumes an active role to facilitate its growth. MHTC acts as a focal point or a 'one-stop centre' for all matters relating to healthcare travel and facilitates enquiries on policies and programmes on healthcare travel development and promotion.

The MHTC Careline
+603 272 68 688

Set up in year 2012 as a call centre to handle all medical travel enquiries. The MHTC Careline operates from Mondays to Fridays from 9.00am to 6.00pm Malaysian time supporting calls in the English, Bahasa Malaysia, Bahasa Indonesia and Mandarin languages. It also supports e-mail enquiries in Arabic, Japanese, Bengali, English, Bahasa Malaysia, Bahasa Indonesia and Mandarin.

Email: callcentre@mhtc.org.my   |   Website: www.medicaltourism.com.my

MHTC Concierge at KLIA

Location: Kuala Lumpur International Airport Arrival Hall Gate 5


  • Disseminates healthcare services information and facilitates information about transport, accommodation and travel in Malaysia.
  • A team of dedicated personnel will provide valuable information that caters to each health tourist's needs - from treatment centres to certified doctors, treatment available, accommodation, and all other medical travel needs. 

MHTC Lounge at KLIA

Location: Kuala Lumpur International Airport Arrival Hall Gate 8


  • To complement the MHTC Concierge by way of facilitating a health tourist's arrival in Malaysia the moment he or she touches down at the airport.
  • If you are visiting Malaysia as a health tourist, you may have a rest at the MHTC Lounge while waiting for the arrangement and/or pick-up service from the respective medical providers.

Participating Medical Tourism Hospitals

There are 72 private hospitals and ambulatories in Malaysia currently qualified and registered under MHTC promoting medical tourism. Only hospitals that are well-equipped and catered to receive and handle medical tourism are approved and registered to be a participating medical tourism hospital in Malaysia. A selection committee consisting of representatives from both the private and government sector will stringently evaluate and select these medical providers to ensure that the standard of service and quality medical care provided within the industry is continuously upheld.

View Hospital List