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Kedah Darul Aman

Dubbed the 'Rice Bowl of Malaysia', Kedah is the country's most ancient state and thus endowed with a wealth of archaeological treasures. The state is Malaysia's main producer of rice and home to Asia's first UNESCO Global Geopark, situated in Langkawi. Panoramic paddy fields and charming traditional Malay villages dominate its rural landscape, interspersed with rolling hills, thriving greenery and beautiful coastal areas.


Bujang Valley Archaeological Museum

The Bujang Valley is the site of one of Southeast Asia's oldest ancient civilisations, believed to be more than 2,000 years old. More than 50 ancient structures known as candi as well as close to 1,000 artefacts been unearthed so far. The Bujang Valley's most recent discovery, the Sungai Batu Monument, is the oldest recorded manmade structure in Southeast Asia, scientifically carbon-dated to 110 AD.

Pulau Langkawi

Known as the 'Jewel of Kedah', Langkawi is a part of an archipelago made up of 99 islands and is one of the country's most popular holiday destinations. Surrounded by sparkling emerald waters and fringed by powder-fine sandy beaches, the charming tropical island boasts some of the region's best natural attractions, earning it a UNESCO Global Geopark status in 2007. The island is also shrouded in myths and mystery, making it one exciting and intriguing destination.